Selasa, 29 April 2014

Direct & Indirect Speech


Direct & Indirect Speech

1 Sumber         : The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Jakarta | Sat, April 26 2014
Direct    : “The fire could have been intentional,” he said
Indirect : He said that the fire could have been intentional.

2 Sumber                             : Stephanie Meyer – Twilight Saga Eclipse
   Direct : “And how do they relate?” I asked, cautious.
   Indirect : I asked of how did they relate 

3 Sumber                              : The secret adversary
Direct : "I have an appointment with Mr. Whittington,"said Tuppence.
Indirect: Tuppence said that he had an appointment with Mr.whittington.

4 Sumber        : The Hollow – Agatha Christie
Direct :  “The ingredients of the pudding are not promising,” murmured midge.
Indirect : Midge said that the ingredients of the pudding weren’t promising.

5 Sumber        : TheLost Symbol- DanBrown
 Direct : “But this can’t be coincidence!” the kid exclaimed.
  Indirect : The kid exclaim that couldn’t been a coincidence.

6 Sumber        : The Alchemyst- Michael Scott
 Direct : “Did Dee bring them to life”? Sophie asked
 Indirect : Sophie asked whether Dee had brought them to life.

7 Sumber        : The Magician- Michael scott
 Direct : “Do I have one hundred and ten”? the auctioneer asked.
 Indirect : The auctioneer asked whether he had one hundred and ten.

8 Sumber        : The Sorceress – Michael scott
 Direct : “Great,” josh said. “That tells me everything i need to know.”
  Indirect : Josh said that told him everything he needed to know.

9 Sumber        : The Necromancer – Michael scott
 Direct : “What do we tell her?” Josh asked nervously.
  Indirect : Josh asked what did they told her.

10 Sumber      :The warlock – Michael scott
 Direct : “Tell me this,” Dee said. “You saw Coatlicue?”
  Indirect : Dee asked if I had seen Coatlicue